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MON - FRI 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM


Welcome to @SLIC

Southwest Louisiana Independence Center, Inc.

Successful Living Independently within the Community

Southwest Louisiana Independence Center, Inc. (@SLIC), a 501 C-3 non-profit agency, is a non-residential agency of action, advocacy and coalition where people with a disability and seniors can become empowered to develop the skills necessary to make effective lifestyle choices. We strive to support people with a disability and seniors by connecting them with resources needed to live independently. We offer services for their support in becoming or remaining active participants in their communities. Through collaboration, we promote their independent living through our various programs. Our aim is to enable people with a disability to take control of their lives, make decisions about their future and ultimately avoid unnecessary institutionalization.

@SLIC is also an advocate for people with a disability within our community. While we have come a long way since the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) became law in 1990, we recognize accessibility and the support for people with a disability need to navigate their daily lives is still quite limited. By educating businesses and employers about ADA-compliance, our intent is to vastly improve accommodations for those with disabilities.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to assist and advocate for people with disabilities and seniors in living positive, productive lives within our community – functioning as independently as possible in their chosen environment.

Centers for Independent Living are community-based, cross-disability, non-profit organizations designed to assist and encourage people with a disability and seniors through various programs. Our goal at @SLIC is to do just that – advocate, counsel, train and support our people with a disability to live the very best life possible.

Leaders within the disability community recognized human rights and civil liberties would only come if they fought for them. By becoming more audible and visible, this grassroots movement gained political influence that culminated in the comprehensive disability rights law, American with Disabilities Act in 1990. As President George H. W. Bush noted:

And on your behalf, as well as the behalf of this entire country, I now lift my pen to sign this Americans with Disabilities Act and say: Let the shameful wall of exclusion finally come tumbling down.

Persons with disabilities, regardless of its forms, share a common history and struggle. The emphasis on consumer control comes from the recognition that the best perspective comes from those experiencing daily life through their disabilities.

Areas Served

SLIC regional map as of 2024

@SLIC provides support and information concerning legal and civil rights, available benefits and housing accessibility issues. We also provide technical assistance and support to businesses regarding Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance issues through on-site evaluations and recommendations.

Independent Living Skills Training

@SLIC assists consumers by teaching and practicing everyday skills that will increase independence, including: nutrition, menu planning, cooking, homemaking, healthcare management, finances, and various other skills as needed.

Information and Referral

@SLIC serves as a referral source answering specific questions from consumers and the public about disability issues. We maintain a database about facilities and resources related to disability, and when suitable, @SLIC makes referrals to other service providers.


@SLIC works with individuals to assess their unique disability-related needs and develops appropriate plans for transitioning individuals to independent living. We offer support by helping our clients secure accessible housing, assistive technologies and specialized medical equipment.

Peer Counseling

@SLIC shares disability-related experiences, knowledge and skills in a group setting or one-on-one. We provide a positive place for people with a disability, seniors, their family and caretakers to share opinions, discuss feelings and identify problems in an effort to create solutions.

From Our Blog

As we continue to grow, we often share new services and resources offered to support our community. We also feature employers that have a commitment to hiring people with a disability and seniors. Keep up with our latest news by signing up for our e-newsletter and accessing our articles on our blog.


Stay connected with us by subscribing to our email list. We share new opportunities, updates to various programs and upcoming events.

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Our Locations

We have three separate locations across our 20 parish region. Our regular business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM. Please visit or contact our office and learn how we can start assisting you today!